
Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Mummy Lulu of Hot Legs Niteclub toasts her patrons on New Year’s eve!

“Here’s my toast to patrons of Hot Legs Niteclub,” says Mummy Lulu, her voice like the caw of a crow. “Come in the evening or come in the morning; come when you've a booking or without warning; a thousand welcomes you'll find before you; from pretty hostesses both seasoned and new."

“To women and beer,” Johnny Yap, owner of Hot Legs Niteclub, says. “Both are so much better when they're not flat." Smiling, he shows a gnarled thumbs-up.

Wearing shades, Chow Kah lifts his glass of champagne. “Here's to Jessica, who dresses in black; always looks neat and never looks slack; when she kisses she kisses so sweet; that she makes things stand that have no feet!”

"To all those who wish us well,” Jessica hollers. “All the rest can go to hell." She upends her shot glass and her garnet lips stretch into a smile.

Head in a tilt, Hussein says to Wati, “Here's to sin and here's to virtue; a little bit of both won't hurt you; a little virtue is enhancing; a little sin can be entrancing; be good, Wati, but don't be haughty; there's too much fun in you being naughty.”

A grin splits Wati’s face into two, revealing white, even teeth.  “Here's to the good woman who loves her husband for the things he has learned from some other woman not so good!”

I toast, “Here's to our sweethearts and wives; may our sweethearts soon become our wives, And our wives remain our sweethearts. Happy New Year!"

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