
Monday, December 28, 2015

Toasts of Mummy Lulu and her cronies at Hot Legs Niteclub's New Year's Eve party

[Pixs of models for illustration only]

Jessica (pix above) toasts:
“Here's to women, the source of a man’s bliss,
There's a taste of heaven for him in her kiss."

Mummy Lulu (pix above) says:
“Here’s to many good reasons for drinking --
And one has just entered my head:
If a man doesn't drink when he's living,
How the hell can he drink when he's dead!
So come to Hot Legs Niteclub without any misgiving.”

Wati (pix above) says, “Here's to the good woman who loves her husband for the things he has learned from some other woman not so good!”

Chow Kah (pix above) toasts to Jessica:
“Here's to Jess, who dresses in black,
Always looks neat and never looks slack,
when she kisses she kisses so sweet,
That she makes things stand that have no feet!”

Lifting his head from the urinal, Hussein (pix above) says to Wati:
“Here's to your eyes and mine
Here's to your lips and mine
Our eyes have met, our lips not yet
Here's hoping.”  

“Here's to the dirty old man who believes in only one woman,” toasts Ang Mor Sai (pix above), “but likes to experiment a little with others.”


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