
Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Jessica goes Christmas shopping

While browsing in a men’s store in Pavilion KL, I spot a familiar face and figure a few feet from me. Great balls of fire! It’s Jessica wearing a mask. 

“Hi, Ewe!”  Her gaze swings to me, walnut-coloured eyes twinkling with a gleam. “Buying presents for your family?” Her gaze returns to the products on the wall display rack.

“Yup. You, too?”

“I just bought a pair of boxers for my boyfriend. I’m also looking for a masturbator for him.” 

“Huh? Why?”

“If he doesn’t like the boxers, he can go fuck himself using the masturbator!”

My throat goes dry at the serious look on Jessica’s face. “Go to Endah Parade for sex toys.”

“Merry Christmas to readers of your blog!” Her husky voice heats my skin. 

 “Same to you.” Jessica and I part ways.


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