
Monday, February 7, 2022

“Boost your career success by personal branding,” Belinda, executive career coach, says. “Take this free course now.”

Curled atop her desk, Belinda is talking a blue streak on the phone when she hears her office door creak. She flips her gaze upward, eyes widening in surprise.

Alex, her client, has entered her office in Low Yat Plaza after a single knock that is barely audible. “Sorry, I’m early,” he says. A necktie appears to be choking him, and his mane of rust-colored hair makes him look like he just stepped out of a TV Korean drama. 

Belinda climbs down from her desk and hauls her beautiful ass to her padded chair. “How can I help you?” She points to the visitor’s chair opposite her and Alex spreads his skinny buttocks on it.

“I want to achieve career success.” Alex says, sitting straight. He sounds like a kitten suffering from constipation. “Tell me how.”

Bright, sparkling eyes in Belinda’s oval-shaped face assess Alex for a beat. “You need personal branding.” Her sweet voice almost attracts bees into the room from under the door.  

“I’ve been watching personal branding videos on YouTube.”

“Most of those YouTubers are delivering half-truths about personal branding because they're not qualified. Besides, how much can you learn in a 30-minute video? Open University’s eight-week personal branding course is the best—it’s a serious course for serious learners.” She taps on her computer keyboard but the screen remains black. “Oops! The socket is loose.” She climbs on her desk to adjust the loose socket, drops back in her chair and her fingers scuttle across the keyboard. She hits the RETURN key. “There!  This is the homepage for the personal branding course.” 

Twisting around, she sits on the edge of her desk and holds up one knee with both hands while Alex leans forward and fixes his gaze on the screen. “See it?” asks Belinda.

Alex pulls out a ball pen and a notepad and jots the website address down. “Fantastic!”

“And you get a statement of participation which you can print and attach to your resume.”  Belinda releases her knee, hooking one foot under the other shin. “That’s all I’ve to say. This consultation’s free! Good luck.”

“Sweet angels!” Alex bolts to his feet and his chair groans in relief. “Thank you so much.”


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